It has been awhile since you have eaten your favourite food-- alcohol, coffee, spicy and fatty food. You have also lost your appetite ever since. Each time when you eat oatmeal or certain fruits, you will get bloated, belch and have an acute gnawing feeling your stomach. Your increasing frequency of bowel movements is agonising you because everytime you eat something, you will have to run to the bathroom. It gets so bad that you start to be afraid to eat. At night, when the severe pain in the abdomen does not go away, you become so desperate to take something to kill the pain.
This problem has been going on and off for you for the last 30 years and you feel frustrated to rid it.
You have chronic gastritis, a condition will cause the stomach lining to be inflamed which reduces the amount of acid, mucus and enzymes produced. The stomach lining contains special cells that produce acid and enzymes, which help break down food for digestion, and mucus, which protects the stomach lining from acid. A thinner stomach lining will cause you to have frequent abdominal pains once you consume stimulating food such as alcohol and spicy food during the course of the day.
This happens when infections, alcohol use, repeated vomiting, acidic beverage, long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, trauma and systemic disease cause irritation. A special diet helps control the symptoms of gastritis and prevents further irritation of the stomach lining.
Firstly, the size of your meals and the number of meals you eat each day will greatly improve gastritis. Although there is no single diet for people with gastritis, however there is a diet progress which will significantly improve and relieve symptoms of your condition. You are advised to eat 5-6 small meals each day. Eating more frequently increases stomach acid production, which also irritates the stomach lining.
Next, the goal to avoid fried, highly seasoned, spicy and processed food and as well as maintain a low-fat diet. Drink alkalized water, non-citrus juices such as papaya. Fresh papaya contains the enzyme, papain, which helps digest protein and starches commonly found in carbohydrates and meat.
If gastric is severe and chronic, Iron and Vitamin B12 would be essential. Vitamin B12 is often lost in the process when one suffers from digestive disorders. As Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient in the production of red blood cells, supplements can help to prevent anemia.
According to the National Institutes of Health, gastritis disrupts iron absorption due to inflammation and mucus, which can cause iron deficiency.
Finally, at least 2 litres of ionised alkaline water is needed daily to neutralise any excessive acidity in the stomach and relieve stomach irritation after meals.
Eventually, your symptoms and abdominal pains will ease away as long as you are well aware of the food you are consuming daily and take conscious effort to stay away from food which will cause stomach irritation.